2 days ago I decided to stop smoking and today I have done it ! I stopped – my Final decision. In Summer 2010 stopped it too but just for 2 weeks. That stop wasn´t effective but this now will be done as my living word as me.
The Reason why I stop isn´t because of Health or rather its harmful. I stand one & equal with tabacco & I really enjoyed smoking . And I do not believe that Tabacco is harmful because human has no understanding of life thus you can ask yourself “how can I trust somebody who believe that good & bad do really exist or rather that health & sickness do really exist & How can I trust a person who fight for his self-interest & he is willing to be dishonest to you when there is Money between”. Common Sense – there is no health or sickness everything what exist is a manifested consequence from how we think, what we believe, how we act/react/ as emotions/feelings, in common how we handle various situations or rather what we have done in our past. Also the good & bad story is bullshit.
The health care system is based on that and all other things what exist here on earth too. Nobody has ever tried take Self-Responsibility and stand as a real common sense realistic practical Person and watch the Reality as that what it is – ONE and EQUAL. Therefore we have this shit of Believe in Thoughts/Feelings/Emotions and no fucking idea about Life and what we have done here.
I stopped smoking because of testing me in Self-Honesty – am I Self-Directive or became I directed through Tabacco/Cigaretts/Smoking. Every addiction is a problem because it shows that you are a Slave and that you are current not willed to take Self-Responsibility. I will proof it that I am here as Life as a Self-Directive Principle.
I heard from so many books which should support one to stop smoking. All together for nothing – they are based on blame & Judgement. Cigarette smoking is dangerous, you get sick ….. this kind of statements are not standing one & equal as Life but in separation of Life. This statements are here to make you fear about Tabacco. You have to take Self-Responsibility and not judging & blaming others and thus abusing others because of believing that you are better.
Further more I stop the support of large corporation which most exploit the world. In the last 10 years the price of tabacco in Austria expanded to a double. Thus you can see that they want just make money as much as possible and they stop at nothing and when its money in between they are willing to lie. In Future we have to sort out this kind of Industries because they are abusive and not willed to stand and do what is best for all. Within an Equal Money System there will be no more possibilities and abilities and reason to treat the life dishonestly & inhumanity because EQUAL MONEY support everything & everybody.
It will give you a new perspective about Life, about living together in Dignity and it will assist you in Self-Education for a living being as Self-Perfection as Life here. We the Destonians already training ourselves to Self-Perfection as a real trustworthy Self-Responsible & Self-Honest living being which stand stable Equal as One. The Future will bring some situations where the handling is much more easier when you are stable and the support & assistance on earth become real quality within Equality.
Join the Desteni I Process and get your life back as who you really are. No more Slaves – No more Masters – Life in Dignity as One & Equal.
mein Weg von der Versklavung des Bewusstseins richtung lebendiges Leben - durch Selbst-Realisierung & Selbst-Korrektur
Tag 9–Zuviel schlafen macht dich fertig
Heute als ich aufwachte, so um halb 7, eigentlich weckten mich meine Doggies auf, ging ich mit ihnen kurz raus, dachte mir aber, wie schon so oft, dass ich noch 1-2 Stündchen schlaf vertragen könnte obwohl ich mich ausgeschlafen fühlte und fit für den Tag. Ich hatte meine ca. 5-6 Stunden schlaf, was ausreichend für den Körper ist.
Als ich dann nochmals zu Bett ging, hatte ich schon wieder meine Erkenntniss vom “zu lange schlafen” aus den Augen verloren. Ich hatte auch werden dem 2 mal schlafen einen feuchten Traum. An die Situation kann ich mich zwar nicht mehr erinnern doch bevor ich schlafen ging fragte ich mich noch, da ich von Bernard ein Video sah, wo er über Sexuelle wünsche und das der Mensch nur auf Sex aus ist, gesprochen hat, ob auch ich noch irgendwelche Sexuellen wünsche in mir trag. Anscheinend schon oder ich hatte mir durch diese Fragestellung in meinem Traum einen kreiert.
Jeder Wünsch ist eine Projektion in die Zukunft und somit ein Hinderniss im Moment zu leben. Ein Wunsch basierd auf Gedanken und Gefühlen und auch auf Abneigungen. Wenn ich keine Abneigung zu irgendeiner Situation habe dann bräuchte ich auch keinen Wunsch. Ausserdem findet dieser Wunsch, wie schon gesagt nur im Mind statt und der Mind ist nicht real.
Somit bildet jeder Gedanke, jedes Gefühl, jede Emotion eine kleine Phantasie-Welt/Illusion in mir welche mich wiederum hindert, hier vollständig im Physischen zu leben. Es ist so zu sagen eine Trennung von mir selbst. Ich vergebe mir das ich mir akzeptiert & erlaubt habe nicht zu erkennen welchen Sexuellen Wunsch ich noch in mir trage. Ich vergebe mir das ich mir akzeptiert und erlaubt habe mich durch Sexuelle wünsche mich von mir selbst zu trennen.
Als ich dann von meinem Nachschlafen aufwachte fühlte ich mich bepackt und eingeängt von energetischen Bewegungen, was man als Schwere und Trägheit kennt. Auch Gedanken kreisten um mich herum, doch konnte ich den Backchat nicht genau identifizieren. Diese schwere hielt bis zum Nachtmittag an und verflüchtigte sich dann langsam.
Wenn man sich das Leben genauer Betrachtet wird man sehen, dass Leben keinen Schlaf benötigt, Pflanzen schlafen nicht, wenn man Kazten beobachtet wird man auch sehen das diese zum großteils ruhen und trotzdem immer wachsam ihre Umgebung wahrnehmen - maximal der physische Körper benötigt ruhe und entspannung aber Warum schläft man dann?
In der Psychologie ist davon die rede, dass sich der Geist/Verstand/Gehirn/Mind erholen muss. So wie ich es verstehe, funktioniert das Schlafen gleich wie unsere Muster von Gedanken, Gefühlen und Emotionen die vom Mind kommen. Es ist ein Muster, eine energetische Kodierung/Vorprogrammierung innerhalb unser DNS die wiederum auch mit dem Mind in symbiose stehen, die uns Glauben lässt das wir schlaf wirklich benötigen.
So lange wir an dieses Muster glauben, gleich wie bei Gedanken/Gefühlen/Emotionen, das es/sie wirklich existieren, sind wir ihnen als Sklaven ausgeliefert. Doch es ist offensichtlich das diese nicht wirklich existieren, sie sind nur ein Produkt unsere Phantasie/unseres Minds, die wir durch unsere Teilnahme und unseren Glauben daran für uns wirklich erscheinen lässt.
In Selbst-Verantwortung und mit Selbst-Vergebung kann man dies Muster aus uns löschen. Am effektivsten hab ich bei mir erkannt, sind die Selbst-Korrektiven-Anwendungen, was für mich soviel heisst wie Selbst-Erkenntniss bis ins Detail und Neuprogrammierung. Wenn ich diese in meiner Selbst-Vergebung ausser acht gelassen habe, bin ich des öftern wieder in alter Muster/Schemen hineingefallen.
Ich werd mich jetzt zu aller erst mal für die nächste Zeit in Disziplin trainieren und nicht mehr länger als 4-6 Stunden schlafen, denn in dieser Zeit hab ich für mich erkannt das ich dannach fit für den Tag bin, denn alles was darüber war, war als ob ich mehr an Lasten zu tragen habe.
21 Days–daily writing–Day 8
The last days I noticed some shitty points within me. I didnt stand & work disciplined & consistently with my decision what I made like shaving my head/being bald as a statement of myself that I work for what is best for all in each & every single moment, stopping myself immediately of participating in thoughts - allowing backchats, falling again & again in some specific patterns where I wanted not see that a primary point was dominance.
Over one year now I work with & as Desteni – the material is in front of myself but I was a fucking lazy bastard to use all of it & work with it in details – it was most at the surface, I wasn´t really effective in my research for what I made a decision. The words what I wrote in the last sentences are no longer based on self-judgment – its fact – this is what I have allowed and it is unacceptable because they were not based/lived as a principle as One & Equal for what is best for all, also it was based on the mind/thoughts/emotions/feelings which are a separation from myself thus a deception of myself.
I can see that I have changed various points in the last year but in significant points I missed the train – I applied Self-Forgiveness but my Self-Corrective application & me as the living word wasn´t fixed within me thus I ran in my viscious circle – So, therefore I decided that I start from new. I created the last 2 days a plan which will support me in my effectiveness/discipline in work for what is best for all. I have now 3 Letters called –”My Decisions”, “My Statements”, “My Task-Plan”. The “My Decisions” & “My Statements” are fixed unless I add some points. The “My Task-Plan” will change when I have it done.
STAND UP is a STATEMENT & when its not applied/lived as a living word as me its for nothing and its a deception and separation of myself because the word in itself is me and not living the word is not living as who I am and for what I stand thus I am dishonest, I cheat myself and the world/environment.
Day 7 – observing personality
Today at work I saw that I re-act by different people with different behaviours. This means that I didn't stand equal with those people because my self-created/allowed ego/personality plays out differently.
I talked to the owner of the house with a more high frequency voice tonality as with the workers which I work together. What I see is that I talked to her in this tonality because I wanted to stand as a friendly person in front of her – It was an re-action of patterns/programs what I have written/created within me in the past where I desired “I want to be always a good & friendly boy”.
So within this re-action I wasn´t a self dir-action – it was a pattern/program from the past who directed/enslaved me in this moment & not me as life as self-directed-expression.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to enslave/control/manipulate/supress myself from patterns/programs which I have created within me in the past especially the design of my behaviours between people which I don´t know.
I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to connect a high frequency voice tonality with the want/desire of “I want to be always a good & friendly boy.
I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to define a high frequency voice tonality with the desire/want of “I want to be always a good & friendly boy”.
I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to fear what others think of me thus the desire of “I want to be always a good & friendly boy”.
I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to define myself with the word “I am always a good and friendly boy”.
I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to talk to older persons in a high frequency voice tonality because of believing that it makes a better impression of myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the words good & friendly with defining the words with a high frequency voice tonality.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself not to see all my definitions & connections what I have accepted & allowed within me – those are the separation of myself & thus the separation of life.
21 Days - daily writing Day 6
I decide now not to write on that day when I was working because its a long time ago where I had a job where I had to work hard physically. So when I came home I felt always very tired and physical & I went straight to bed thus I missed always to write on this days. I work on this to become more comfortable/stable within me after working but I will write the day after about specific points what I have faced during working until I stand.
First I will write about the last writing (day5) because I have after seen that I have written that I got irritated because of their ignorence of life. This a point of blaming others/my neighbors and not standing self-responsible.
Yesterday I had a discussion with Markus about patterns & that we are the result of our parents. During the discussion I observed myself that I used many times the word awareness/attentiveness. After the discussion Markus tried to provocate me during working with the word awareness/attentiveness, he said "come on Klausi, you have to be more aware". In the beginning I saw that my self-created personality/patterns within me reacted a bit on this provocation & after a while the reaction became more intensive. He supported me well through his provokation to face my patterns of personality in points where I have defined/connected the word provokation with irritation. Also in taking some things/words personally.
In the ending of the discussion I saw that Markus wanted no longer talk about this and then I stopped but then a feeling of confusion comes up within me. I tried to stay focus on breathing. I had to do with some thoughts like "oh okay how it looks like Markus are not ready for correcting himself or rather for support - he like it to hold on his opinions - I will let him".
First I will write about the last writing (day5) because I have after seen that I have written that I got irritated because of their ignorence of life. This a point of blaming others/my neighbors and not standing self-responsible.
Yesterday I had a discussion with Markus about patterns & that we are the result of our parents. During the discussion I observed myself that I used many times the word awareness/attentiveness. After the discussion Markus tried to provocate me during working with the word awareness/attentiveness, he said "come on Klausi, you have to be more aware". In the beginning I saw that my self-created personality/patterns within me reacted a bit on this provocation & after a while the reaction became more intensive. He supported me well through his provokation to face my patterns of personality in points where I have defined/connected the word provokation with irritation. Also in taking some things/words personally.
In the ending of the discussion I saw that Markus wanted no longer talk about this and then I stopped but then a feeling of confusion comes up within me. I tried to stay focus on breathing. I had to do with some thoughts like "oh okay how it looks like Markus are not ready for correcting himself or rather for support - he like it to hold on his opinions - I will let him".
21 Days - daily writing Day 5
I had today a talk with my neighbor, she was admonish me about my doggies because Balu started to jump over the fence and made his walk through the neighborhood.
He went into my neighbors garden and was looking for some news. My neighbor is afraid about dogs & one time Balu was standing in front of her. thus she said to me if it happen this again she must report it by the municipality. I said what will change?
I told her that Balu do nothing, he is a baby and that I do everything what I can do that he can�t jump over the fence because current Balu do not know the bullshit rules in our society but I was a bit irritated because of her ignorance to live. She is now around 70 and she was a nurse so normaly she should have common sense but I saw nothing of it.
I said that the problem is not Balu but she with her fear, if she want a comfortable life, she should start to purify her fear. She told me also that the puppies are to loud and that she is not the only one with this thinking.
I saw just how fucked up they are within shaping their livestyle. There is no living together, there is just a living side by side and not taking care of each other and also a not wanted to talk Self-Responsibility only blame others before facing ones own allowed shit. We have created so much bullshit in our livetime - when will the time come to realize?
Here is it - but nobody wants to see.
I also realized that she is now my neighbor for 28 years - she was always with a smiling in here face but it wasn�t real because in this situation she showed with no way out her true face and she wasn�t willed to realize & to understand that Balu supported her.
The last what she say was you keep your fear and I keep mine and I said we have to work on ourselfes, when I realize that I have a problem I start to work on me until this is done.
Dogs are barking because this is their voice - I see also that the fence is the problem it is an limitation but it is also a protect for the dogs because the street is near and first they have to learn the rules of the street then I will them also allow to walk free.
But I will also change the place - not because of flee from the ignorant neighbor - in this point my stand is clear but to have a place where people work on oneselfes & stand with all life in equality and where beings can live in dignity as equals.
He went into my neighbors garden and was looking for some news. My neighbor is afraid about dogs & one time Balu was standing in front of her. thus she said to me if it happen this again she must report it by the municipality. I said what will change?
I told her that Balu do nothing, he is a baby and that I do everything what I can do that he can�t jump over the fence because current Balu do not know the bullshit rules in our society but I was a bit irritated because of her ignorance to live. She is now around 70 and she was a nurse so normaly she should have common sense but I saw nothing of it.
I said that the problem is not Balu but she with her fear, if she want a comfortable life, she should start to purify her fear. She told me also that the puppies are to loud and that she is not the only one with this thinking.
I saw just how fucked up they are within shaping their livestyle. There is no living together, there is just a living side by side and not taking care of each other and also a not wanted to talk Self-Responsibility only blame others before facing ones own allowed shit. We have created so much bullshit in our livetime - when will the time come to realize?
Here is it - but nobody wants to see.
I also realized that she is now my neighbor for 28 years - she was always with a smiling in here face but it wasn�t real because in this situation she showed with no way out her true face and she wasn�t willed to realize & to understand that Balu supported her.
The last what she say was you keep your fear and I keep mine and I said we have to work on ourselfes, when I realize that I have a problem I start to work on me until this is done.
Dogs are barking because this is their voice - I see also that the fence is the problem it is an limitation but it is also a protect for the dogs because the street is near and first they have to learn the rules of the street then I will them also allow to walk free.
But I will also change the place - not because of flee from the ignorant neighbor - in this point my stand is clear but to have a place where people work on oneselfes & stand with all life in equality and where beings can live in dignity as equals.
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