
Physical Indication - Itching Skin

4-5 years ago I had a skin-desease indicated with little pimples & itching. I was very confused in this time & I had also to do with anger & irritations but this I had most suppressed.I kept this symptoms approximatly a half year & then I heard a voice in the room but nobody was there. I was a bit afraid & I want also that this stops.
This voice, it was a women voice said just "Love your body more". Then I realized becaus I scratched the whole time on my skin & this makes nothing better, my skin got just open.

I started to love my body more by doing caress him I mean I touched him very softly instead of scratching. And so after 1 month the itching was gone and I had also no scars.
But the ichting comes again every autumn/winter time like an timeloop. But I didn�t found the reason, so I still accepted it with the hope in spring time it will go. But this is the problem because I kept this systematic reaction in me & I didn�t correct myself with practical applications.

In this Autumn/Winter it starts again, I realized the side effect intensivly. I felt heavy & also some emotional reaction of anger comes up & I was easy to irretat. most points in combination with my parents & in some discussion when people say they will not work for the benefit of all or if they don�t want take responsibility. I found also that I justify myself about some point about Desteni Income Plan or by some "friends" when I talked about the life & mind-system.

When I realized my emotional reaction I started to writing Self-Forgiveness about my anger & I breathed & I breathed & I breathed but I didn�t went into specific details. I mean I didn�t look back in the past where it starts or where I had similar reactions.
Then with a supportive Video about Itching from Sunette/Winged my eyes went up.

I went back and take a look or rather the pictures comes up. I felt also some heavyness by watching this old patterns/pictures/images.
I remember me about when I was 20-21 by my comunity service, I wanted to have vacation but they say no, I was standing in the elevator in this time & I was in rage.
Between 16-28 I had often times a rage discussion with my parents about smoking weed, go to work, you need money, my hairs (I had long hair) when I cuted them it was the same, many point when they tried played out there authority.
When I was sixteen i liked it to play with turntables, I heard techno in this time and in this specific night I played a LP which sound annoy me but not from my judgment, it was a re-action, programs/patterns which cames up within this specific sound-frequency.
Within my puberty between 12-16 most of anger & irritation started against authority. Specific points was when my mother or father catched me by smoking or drinking alcohol or when I wanted to went back but they say no also when I came to late at home.
One time I remember i came to late at home and my father was waiting and he catched me and pressed me to the wall & I shouted if you beat me I pack my back and i go. My father never beated me but he was often in rage becaus in my childhood time he came most trunken after work at home & my mother was against that & then most it ends on throwing doors.
When I was younger I just watched on this szenario but when I get older 8,9,10 ... I started to support my mother & I shouted back to my father.
As I was a child we had a dog called Pranko and my father started to educate him with some unacceptable & unhumanity methods. For him Pranko was a housekeeper therefore Pranko should be a bit aggressiv. He started by the food with always talking to Pranko "mmm this is my food" which makes him greedy on food. After a while I did the same thing. In this time I was thinking it ok but when I was older in my puberty I get angry about my dad because of doing this. I get also in rage when he beated Pranko when he run away.

With all those points I created accepted & allowed within me patterns/programs/designs of anger, rage, agression & irritation & finally the itching on my skin was the indication of all this patterns/programs.
I falled many times in the same trap means I particpated many times in this pattern until now.
I realized that you must be very consitent & disziplined for walking through this matrix and the more detail it is the more effective is it. Don�t fight against the feelings what came up, just breahting & apply Self-Forgiveness. Also writing is a great support because you write this patterns out then you have it in front of yourself, for me it brings more clarity & also I have now written more points out as I watched before through my mind.

the Self-Forgiveness follow in another post & also I will go more specific on which body regions I have this through the structurall Resonance Alignment explained from Veno.


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