
21 Days - daily writing myself to freedom - Part 3

I missed writing yesterday because I persuaded me that I am too shattered for wrting because I worked the last 2 days too much lol - I felt my body extremly thus I believed I can give me a outtime but this is the same when I would say - for this day I take not Self-Responsibility - next time I will allow myself also to write about and if its just few sentences - I will write.

Today I finished my Lesson3 Assignment with the work-sheet-tool its a very cool support/assistance and you can go very specific in details.
I started also with a second topic but then I saw that this document didn�t open completly - so I have to start again or rather I copy the text what I have written and fill it into a new document.

I had a small discussion with my parents because of our communication and that we should work on them because then it will be easier to live togehter.
I got also a bit irritated within the discussion but corrected me after the discussion immedately with self-forgiveness.

The second topic is about anger/irritation - with this assistence from the work-sheet-tool I will go in details because within the Lesson 3 I realized that I have missed some points within my correction of anger/irritation thus it was so easy for me to jump up again and run again the same cycle but no further. I have to get this done - I played too long with this points and took not really Self-Responsibility for walking my process.

Since I layed away the second topic I feel a pressur in my back in heart level and on my right ear-shell I feel pain but currently I do not see what it is.

Also what I have missed the last month was breathing in awareness - I am breath but how can I be real here as a living example when I am unable to be aware in every moment on my breath - how can I say I see when I am not aware on my breath in every moment.

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